

Yr Hen Lys / The Old Courthouse
Yng nghanol Rhuthun gyda mynediad i fand eang ffeibr a diodydd poeth, dewch o hyd i ysbrydoliaeth yn ein hadeilad o’r 15ed Ganrif gyda phobl leol eraill. Gyda phrisiau'n dechrau o ddim ond £2.50 y sesiwn hanner diwrnod. Cysylltwch â Kate am ragor o fanylion. Archebwch eich lle isod. In the heart of Ruthin with access to fiber broadband and hot drinks, find inspiration in our 15th Century building with other local folk. With prices starting from just £2.50 per half-day session. Please contact Kate for further details. Reserve your space below.
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Event time zone:Europe/London GMT+01:00
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